Higher Education Express
How to preserve your Study Abroad Experience

How to preserve your Study Abroad Experience

You don't want to lose all the knowledge and experience you acquired during your time studying abroad period. I met a friend that did his Masters's program in Germany and moved back to the United States after his studies. He told me that he had forgotten everything about Germany, the little language, the food experience and didn't even keep the contacts and communication four years after he returned home.

Here are a few tips on how to preserve your Study abroad experience;

1. Keep the contact and often communicate with friends from the host country.

It is good to keep in contact and often communicate with friends from the host country because it reminds you of the excellent times you spent when in the country.  According to research, communication with old friends are essential in the development of social and emotional skills, which contributes to our sense of belongingness. They were the ones we shared the most enlightening and intellectual conversations with, and it will be helpful to keep them close.

How to preserve your Study Abroad Experience

2. Visit organizations where people speak the language 

You could choose to volunteer in a unique facility offering the language you want to improve and possibly learn and share information about it.  There are so many volunteer experiences available in your home country that can help you preserve the experience.

3. Enroll in a language class

If "losing the language" is essential to you, there are many language programs at community colleges and other universities that will aid your learning experience. Feel free to look up some events or conferences for intercultural communication.

How to preserve your Study Abroad Experience

4. Watch Movies from the country

It would help if you watched movies from the country you studied in because the culture and heritage come back to reality. It will be hard to forget the language and culture if you watch their movies, and it will help preserve your Study abroad experience.